Friday, 1 May 2015

Diy coffee scrub


So I'll admit, I feel like a little traitor typing this post. However I am a gal living on budget so I'll have to pass on buying you Frank at £15 a sachet when most of the ingredients are already in my kitchen cupboard. Instead, I decided to do a little diy but before I actually get on to it I thought I would highlight the benefits of the 5 ingredients I used to make this scrub.  

1. Coffee. 
So we all drink it to keep us alive however, using coffee on your skin as a exfoliator has endless benefits. From treating redness, inflammation to reducing the appearance of under eye circles and even getting rid of cellulite! By incorporating caffeine into your skin care routine, you can reveal evenly toned, smooth skin. 

2. Coconut oil 
It's basically the all in one natural solution to ALL skin problems. It hydrates dry skin, helps rashes including many skin conditions such as eczema and acts as an antioxidant to prevent cellular ageing. 

3. Olive oil 
The biggest benefit here is that olive oil contains four different antioxidants, which help fight off the free radicals that cause ageing and skin damage. Not only that but it is also great for nourishing dry skin and may help various skin problems. 

4. Brown sugar 
Just like the coffee, using brown sugar is a great way to naturally exfoliate your skin without causing harm, irritation or drying out the skin. It also contains vitamin B due to its molasses content which could be beneficial to the skin. Not to mention the wonderful sweet smell of brown sugar provides a soothing aromatherapy. Perfect for pampers! 

5. Sea Salt 
Okay so maybe consuming too much salt is not so great for us but using salt on the skin has endless benefits. As it contains antiseptic properties, it's capable of killing skin infection, relieving pain, inflammation and itching associated with the infection. Not only but can be used to help acne and tightening the skin surface, thereby fighting the causes of ageing skin. 

So Let's begin.. 

What you'll need:
1/2 ground coffee 
1/4 brown sugar 
1/4 olive oil or extra virgin 
1/4 sea salt
1/4 coconut oil 
2 table teaspoons of honey 
Large bowl 
Empty medium sized container  

1. Start by mixing all the dry mixtures together making sure it's thoroughly mixed then add your olive oil, coconut and honey. When your scrub reaches a paste like consistency then you're ready to place into your container. 

Apply a small handful of the the scrub to dampened skin and rub in circular motions paying attention to thighs, bum and tummy and leave on for about 10 minutes. It can get quite messy so make sure you're in the tub! 

Voilà you're now ready for summer! 


1 comment:

  1. This is great!! I'm definitely going to make some if this! Coffee scrubs are supposed to be great for skin


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